Sarah Baugher

Instructor, new to the X-former, with 5+ years of experience in movement

The honest truth about Sarah

  1. Sarah LOVES to dance - and funk is her favorite music for dancing!

  2. It is obscene (her words) how much money she spends at Starbucks…on iced tea! Her order: Trenta Green Iced Tea, UN-sweetened, Light Ice, No Water.

  3. Sarah doesn't watch TV. She’s not self-righteous about it, just has other hobbies she prefers, like cooking.

  4. She’s always up for a hike! Sarah has hiked many, many miles of the Blue Ridge Mountains, and had hiking adventures in some amazing places like Iceland, the caldera of Santorini, and the jungles of Costa Rica!

  5. Sarah is a big time dog person! Her dogs are the light of her life. If she had enough time and enough money, she would rescue ALL of the dogs!