A photo of Gina, the instructor who teaches our monthly full moon Yin + Reiki practice.


Yin + Reiki Full Moon Reset, aka our guide through the fog


Five reasons to love Gina:

  1. She starts her day off every morning by smothering her dogs with kisses and telling them how beautiful they are. (She’s a dog person.)

  2. The dogs in question? They are two lazy rescue pitbulls named Freud & Nucky who are on a mission to end the stigma about their breed.

  3. She loves the power of breath - she calls yoga her wonder drug. Her class will lend you the ability to shift your entire mindset.

  4. Her guilty pleasure is Lazy Sundays (and who can blame her!).

  5. Best for last? Gina is a forensic scientist by day - real life living all our true crime dreams!