Caroline Patterson

Instructor, new to the X-former, with 3 years of related fitness instruction under her belt

The low-low about Caroline

  1. Another proud townie in our midst - Caroline grew up here and is currently getting the best of both worlds as she pursues a Masters in Public Health through UVA.

  2. A childhood dream of participating in 4-H resulted in her family having a mini-farm on which they bred Nigerian Dwarf Goats, along with raising many other animals.

  3. She has a 3 year old corgi named Joey Pickles, and a new corgi puppy addition on the way (Stuart Little). If you couldn’t tell, she’s a dog person!

  4. Her big three are all the water signs in a grand trine - which really shows up in her “go with the flow” nature.

  5. Her fiancée is a chef, so her favorite food is ever evolving, but her go-tos are simple: juices, smoothies, and sandwiches.